martes, 3 de mayo de 2011

Y (en broma) te digo quiéreme.

I never really feel quite right
and I don't know why, all I know is something's wrong.
Every time I look at you, you seem so alive.

Tell me how do you do it, walk me through it,
I'm following every footstep.
Maybe on your own you take a conscious step.
Do you wanna give it up? All that I want
Is for you to shine,
shine down on me.
Shine on this life that's burning out.

Today I've found out that I will be missing (AGAIN) The Killers concert this year. The reason? Physics exam on Mon 27th of June. FUCKKKKKKKKK! For the fortunates (obviously, not me), just tell you that it'll be held on the 24th of June in Hyde Park (London). For the asturians, Vetusta Morla will be playing the same day on Niemeyer's Center (Avilés).
Sí... Realmente soy una pringada, no me pierdo a uno, sino a DOS de mis grupos favoritos.

7 comentarios:

  1. venga! esos ya son los últimos! un empujoncillo campeona! ;)

  2. A tope con los exámenes tía! Que tú yes mu inteligente jajajaja.
    Un beso

  3. En broma porque sabes que nunca nunca, pero quién sabe.

  4. Si te sirve de consuelo... ya somos dos las pringadas.
    Por the killers, digo.

  5. buff, como fastidia eso..
    Yo este findesemana me voy de festival a ver que tal un beso!
